How Did We Get The Foot?
George Washington High School has a rich, diverse, and unique history. With the school being built and established in 1960, the class of 1965 pulled the prank that would establish one of George’s defining logos and features. In 1965, the graduating class decided to play a prank to go out with a bang and leave a mark on the school. They decided to take the Jolly Green Giant and put him on top of the roof, and paint some ‘footprints’ on the side of the building going up to The Giant. They did this in the middle of the night during the last week of school, and definitely left the students and staff confused. The Jolly Green giant stayed up there for about a month before eventually needing to be retired to a storage closet in the basement for safekeeping. However, this was the last time that George Washington would see the green colossus. In the 1980s, the prank was recreated by a group of seniors, and that’s when the school decided to make the green foot an official logo of the school which has sparked the creation of various items of merch and school spirit. Alas, in order to keep The Jolly Green Giant in good condition and for the safety of the school, it could not stay on top of the school. Now, it is in the care of the class of 1965.