Watching cartoons as an (almost) adult
Many of us growing up can remember the joy of waking up on a Saturday morning to tune in to Cartoon Network to watch Teen Titans Go, The Amazing World of Gumball, and other beloved childhood shows. I sure do. I remember asking my mom to let me stay up late to watch one more episode of Spongebob before bed, which would usually turn into a couple. But, like everything else, our preferences tend to change as we get older. We find ourselves drawn to different things. Recently, I began to watch cartoons again. But what would make me, at the ripe old age of 17 want to watch cartoons?
To provide context to this slightly embarrassing confession, I rediscovered my love for cartoons while babysitting my younger cousins. It was a very nice day, I was glad to spend it with them. We decided to end it with TV time. -they are allotted a whole 30 minutes of television a day, I’m told. I found myself to be more engrossed in the action on television than my young family members were. (I’m a good babysitter, I promise!) After this, I find that any time I want to relax and wind down for the day, cartoons become the perfect way to do it. I wanted to research why it was that I enjoyed cartoons so much, and have found two main reasons.
First, the simplicity. Cartoons tend to be uncomplicated, with structured although sometimes illogical storylines that are easy to digest. This makes them very easy to watch, which can be a comforting change in the noisy, chaotic, busyness we usually find ourselves surrounded by in everyday life. The jokes found in children’s cartoons are lighthearted and rely primarily on physical humor, which can be entertaining for all ages. Having a fun and cheery way to de-stress is very important, and cartoons are perfect for it.
Secondly, the positive messages. Children’s cartoons have storylines revolving around heroism, friendship, family values, kindness, compassion, and bravery. It feels rewarding to watch a feel good show. After each episode I have a moment of introspection, and can apply these kid friendly messages to my own life, however different it might be from the show. An example of this would be Spongebob Squarepants. In the season one episode “Tea at the Treedome”, Spongebob visits Sandy Cheeks, Bikini Bottom’s only squirrel, excited that he has made a new friend. Throughout the episode, Spongebob slowly dries out, he is dehydrated by the oxygen in the dome where Sandy resides. He continually resists the urge, the need for water, before finally coming to his tipping point and exclaiming in a dramatic fashion how he “needs it” (water). For the rest of the fifteen seasons, Spongebob is seen wearing his own seawater helmet every time he visits Sandy. Not only was their friendship forged and strengthened in this episode, but Spongebob learned an important lesson to speak up for himself. This is a lesson many of us could learn from, although maybe not as intensely as Spongebob did.
Cartoons can make us feel good with happy visuals, full of vivid colors and imagination. They transport us into a world filled with teamwork and perseverance, giving us gentle reminders of how to live well and interact kindly with others. Youthful hearts are wonderful things, it is important to cherish them amidst everything going on. Maybe next time you have a free moment, you might decide to watch an old cartoon, whether it be with a younger family member, or by yourself. The important thing is to have fun!
Hillenburg, S. (Creator). (1999). Tea at the Tree Dome (Season 1, Episode 2) [TV series episode]. In SpongeBob SquarePants. Nickelodeon.
Watson, D. (Creator). (2011–2019). The Amazing World of Gumball [TV series]. Cartoon Network.
Katz, A. (Creator). (2013–present). Teen Titans Go! [TV series]. Cartoon Network.
UCSB Career Services. (2022, May 19). Why you should watch cartoons in college. UCSB Career Blog.
Vargas, D. (2016, May 24). Why you should still watch cartoons. The Trinity Voice.